Volunteering work
11F - VLC Women Tech
My Role
The Story
A bit of background
The February of 11th Spain celebrates International Day of Women and Girls in Science. As part of the Computer Science School of Valencia and a long relationship with the ACM-W UPV Chapter that supports this cause and where I was in charge of the design department, designing a new logo became a task for me.
Design rationale
Not really sure which was the path that led me to the final design, nor the exact location of sketches or other versions of the logo, but I do remember well the meaning behind it.
The main element of the design is the colored logo that displays 4 curves. They intend to capture the date of the event, as it has become more noteworthy than any icon featuring women, girls and technology. Therefore, I tried following the next principles:
- Represent the date without using an obvious "11" and a "F" letter, hence using some kind of abstract shapes that would mimic them.
- Stay with a "squared" or rather symmetric design, where the elements mirror each-other.
What did this bring then?
As you can see, the ones belonging to the "11" are stacked on top of each other. Since it was not possible to draw an "F" horizontally while keeping it evident it was an "F" (principle #1), the "F" had to stay on the right. Due to principle #2, symmetry needed to be kept too, so the "11" either had to be placed vertically aligned, which was immediately discarded as it would make the logo grow far too tall, or horizontally aligned.
Now, what about the abstract representation?
The arch serif-like some fonts give to the number "1" when typed and the "F"'s ascenders (had to look this one up too, it's the top arch of the "F" letter when typing a lower-case F) gave me the hint. Since both elements are arches they could be represented in the same way. Besides, luckily, they were pointing towards different directions, which made them match perfectly.
Once the arches were figured out, the only missing elements to make the ones look like ones and the F's look like F's were their stems. Here is where some adjustments had to be made.
Not all 4 arches could have the stems in the exact same positions. The ones needed to have their stems and arches aligned to the right, while the F's needed them to the left. But that was not all! Instead of having equally long stems, the upper "1" and "F" needed to have shorter stems. Why? Because they both had to align their arch's top to their stem's top in order to make them look like the real non-abstract respective, which would have moved the stem downwards (the arch could not move due to principle #2 symmetry), overlapping with the lower figures and spoiling the abstract representation.
As a final step (according to the requirements), the "VLC Tech Women" title should appear right next to the logo. The vertical distribution of the title's words has been adapted so that it matches the logo's height. Having only 2 lines would have made the text too big for the logo, stealing its importance.